Play the guitar well

If you want to play the guitar well, don’t give up in the middle

There are various types of guitars, such as bass, electric, acoustic, and so on the guitar.
If you learn the guitar code, you can play any music.
To play the guitar well, you have to learn the basics.

Guitars are made of wood and metal, not to mention electric bass acoustic guitar.
It bounces off the copper cord, making a sound, and in the wood body, it resonates with the sound to create a warm tone.

The tuning key and string are tied to the head of the guitar and connected to the bridge.
The bridge part is fixed to the body.
Press the string on the neck and hold the cord to make a sound.

In order to play the guitar well, it is important to fix it properly,

and for right-handed people, the guitar is located halfway between the sound hole and the bridge,
The string of the guitar is played with the right hand, and the left hand holds the cord.
The guitar is held on the leg by hugging it to the body, and it is recommended to learn a comfortable posture when you play.

Make sure that you tune the guitar properly before you play it to make an accurate sound.

Before tuning, you should know the code for each line.
The top row is the thickest and the bottom row is the thinnest.

There are six rows from the thickest, and they produce notes in the order of E, A, D, G, B, and E.
It’s good to memorize the notes in order, and since it’s a note that bounces the string without touching,
it’s also good for learning the sense of pitch if you tune it after knowing the notes well.

The auto tuner allows you to immediately check whether the note is low or high when you bounce the string, making tuning easy, no matter how beginner.
If you don’t have a tuner, you can also hit the note that corresponds to the piano to try it.

In the case of classical guitars, you can play the music by flicking the strings with your fingers when you make a note at a time, but most of the time,
you can play the chord using the peak.
It is a small tear-shaped piece of plastic that can be used to line up and produce a cleaner sound than hand-held.

When you play the guitar well, the chord, you have to press accurately and hard to make clear and clear sounds.

When playing the guitar, it can be painful because you press the luck using the flesh at the end of your finger and play the guitar.

The most important thing to think about when learning the guitar is the mindset.
For those who are learning guitar for the first time, it is most important to learn steadily without giving up, and you can easily improve your skills.

It is not easy for beginners to change the code by moving their fingers, so they sometimes give up quickly.
When you first start, there are difficult and difficult parts, but it is important to practice with a goal.

If you don’t give up and enjoy it, you can feel that your skills have improved.

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